Saturday, July 23, 2011

Joy Pockets

This week flew by.
my red velvet photo really took off on tumblr the minute I posted it
I saw the last Harry Potter film at IMAX and it was so much fun
signed up for the Find your Eye class with Kat, happy happy joy joy!!
went to the zoo with my daughter and three grandchildren
bought the grand baby a purple tutu, she looks so cute, see!(photo by Ayana)
went to my husband's workplace and had an impromptu lunch on the lawn in front of the building
jumped for joy over my 10 foot sunflowers, I kid you not, that are just now opening to the world
had a fabulous mani and pedi
had lunch at my favorite Samovar tearoom
had a fabulous foot massage at the mall, don't laugh, it really was great and only $24 for half an hour
joy pockets


  1. ooh lunches and mani/pedi, nice.
    you've had a great week of joy!

  2. How nice to pamper your feet, mine are so neglected, too much walking around barefoot in the garden! 10 foot sunflowers..they are such awesome and cheery flowers. The tea and cake and the tutu look fab too!.

  3. Waow that cake look amazing! what kind is it?
