Friday, July 29, 2011

Joy Pockets

I was on my feet most of the week even though last Sunday I kind of dislocated my toe and have had my toes taped to together and was given one of those funny looking blue shoes to wear and told that I would just have to live with a crooked toe.

Through it all there were wonderful moments this week

I watched my grandchildren and the entire pre-school create giant soap bubbles

I found the perfect chiropractic doctor and he says that my foot is going to be fine and he gave me an adjustment

I found 100 new relatives on facebook and the organizer believes that our family is the largest family in America, how cool because I grew up not knowing any relatives and today I found 100 of them
(Gladys, born around the time of the great depression, I love her eyes)

had lunch with my husband in his work cafeteria and a fellow engineer asked to join us

worked in the garden

had two ionic foot baths and removed a lot of toxins from my body

traded in my outdated phone and got a super duper cool smart phone that I am trying to figure out how to work and I keep hanging up on people and calling people that I do not mean to call, but it is great

I finally opened a flickr account and posted photos for my online class

actually got to read a book for a precious hour

Happy trails everyone, have a fabulous weekend

joy pockets


  1. wow, that's amazing about finding 100 relatives just like that!! finding just 5 new ones would make my day, lol.

    great news about your foot.

    thanks for joining in.
    enjoy your weekend!

  2. I love finding new family members. I have been working on my family tree since the beginning of the year. It is so exciting, hooray for you! May the joy continue! :)

  3. Wow ! Love your Main Blog photo ~ and finding 100 relatives! Glad your foot is going to be better ~ thanks for sharing ~ namaste, Carol ^_^

    New to Joy Pockets ~ Hope to see you at my blog ~

  4. I just got a smart phone too after having a very outdated phone for years. Awesome to find so many people to connect with! Nice to meet you. Love your header on this blog.wonderful.

  5. This made me smile, thank you for sharing.

    Is it bad that my first thought was 'Wow, someone with a bigger family than me! Amazing!' I am considered odd for the size of my family. I have 48 first cousins which kinda stuns my poor husband who has 3 first cousins. :)

  6. I am overjoyed about the relatives because as a child, I thought we were alone, heck, I thought we were alone until about fifteen years ago. The little girl in the photo is my aunt Gladys who only lived to be twelve and when my father died in 1997, this photo came into my possession and I fell in love with her. Every time I look at her eyes, it makes me happy.

  7. I was going to start by saying I love your header and you look amazing and then I read `grandchildren`! Wow - you are so beautiful! Congratulations on finding your relatives - what an amazing thing and I love Gladys` eyes and her cute smile. Ah - finding time to read a book is very precious. I hope your foot recovers soon.

  8. LOL - ditto what Annabella said:

    "I was going to start by saying I love your header and you look amazing and then I read `grandchildren`! Wow - you are so beautiful!"

    How exciting to find 100 relatives!! I need to upgrade my phone, but I just got used to the one I have. ;)

    Hope you have a beautiful weekend, Talibah!

  9. Thank you Amanda and Annabella!!

  10. Wow, how wonderful to know so much about your own history. That photo of Gladys is so compelling!! And hooray for new phones & Flickr!! Hopping over from joy pockets, have a great finish to your weekend!
