Thursday, October 6, 2011

Pen Pals Rock

For over a year I have been exchanging the most inspiring letters, art and gifts with six incredible women that I met on Facebook, who says that nothing good comes out of social sites. I have received some cool creations this week.
When I opened this box from Janine I found a wonderful letter and this fabulous art and inspirational words on the walls of the box.

Meditation is the name of this piece by pen pal Marilyn who lives in the U.K.
Soraya sent me this Goddess painting.
Soraya also made this powerful mandala which I activated today while my son watched on in surprise. Also on this altar is a leather cuff bracelet made by the newlywed husband Rasta Asaru of my pen pal Tomeekha. And that cute little rattle was also made by Soraya.
Soraya is working on creations for an upcoming show and, she just did her first book cover, hooray!
Last weekend my son-in-law delivered two new 60x48 canvases, so I am ready to sit down and created something after receiving so much creative inspiration this week from my rocking pen pals!


  1. Talibah, how fortunate you all are to have met one another!
    Each of these works of art is simply magnificent!

  2. that's so cool that you can share such creativity!

  3. wow you really have met great friends:)
    Thank you for visiting in my blog and I have to say I laugh out loud when you wrote you want see my cool life in Finland....really. We live almost half year in darkness, in north of Finland some months are really dark, no sun at all but in summer sun doesn't go down at all. It is cold, dark and depressing so my life is not so cool but it is surely different here than yours in there.
    So nice to meet you:)
