Friday, August 12, 2011

Joy Pockets

There were a couple of hairy moments this week but the joyous moments far out weighed the opposite side.
We rented two cottages for our first annual family retreat

the gardens where beautiful at the retreat

lots of comfortable outdoor chairs to lounge in

spent an hour in a craft store buying trinkets and bobbles for my mixed media piece

on day 192 of my 365 day meditation challenge


practiced my guitar lessons

went to the zoo with my daughter and grandchildren

bought new bangles and an awesome necklace

participated in some fun photo prompts
joy pockets


  1. I'm visiting from Monica's joy pockets meme.
    The 365 days of meditation sounds very rewarding.
    Looks like an enjoyable time at the zoo.
    Have a good weekend.

  2. Wow what a wonderful getaway for your family! And you had time to paint and play guitar! Awesome :). And the craft store, a very dangerous place for me, but it brings so much joy I agree :). Have a lovely weekend!

  3. Glad to hear the joy outweighed the not-so-joyous!

    Such a sweet week with family. New bangles and necklace - I'm envious! The craft/art supply stores are always dangerous for me. ;)

  4. Lovely photos that speak to the joy in your life ~ thanks ^_^ Carol
    Come by and visit Share the Creative Journey for my Joy Pockets ~ thanks,C

  5. Yay, a family retreat! Oh, craft stores are indeed dangerous places. I have been very successful for the past two months in not going. Have to use what I already have! I like the 365 meditation, a good idea. I hope more joys keep on coming :).
