Saturday, August 27, 2011

Joy Pockets

I had a very busy week doing what I call my healthcare which includes, a visit to my chiropractic doctor, 3 visits to my hydrotherapist, 2 Ionic foot baths and my pedicure. I had lots of moments of joy.

I sat in the park and sunned my cute toes

found a wonderful family owned Olive Oil shop that was set up like a wine tasting shop. It was filled with more than a hundred vats of speciality olive oils and vinegar and wonderful vinaigrette dressings like a mango dressing that is beyond

eliminated a rodent problem, yucky, and now Miss Thang, my cat, can sleep in peace, thanks to no help from her

got my weekly massage

started watching the Matrix trilogy again because it is helping me with an art piece I am working on

found a great new antique/thrift shop to explore and purchased a wood wall unit

ate at a wonderful new Indian restaurant

didn't do much cooking this week

my oldest son got a fabulous contracting job to build websites for a big company

Youngest son started his second year of college, this is the make or break crucial year

Have a wonder filled weekend

joy pockets


  1. lots of good stuff and oh boy am i envious of your body care! holy cow. i can't remember i last had something done to or for my body!
    i would settle for a shoulder massage... siiigh.

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    email me directly if you are struggling. :)

  3. Oh my goodness!!! Sounds like you had a wonderful week. A weekly massage - you are one lucky lady!! I always love finding a new thrift store.
