Tuesday, August 9, 2011

These are Two of My Cooler Work Areas

Although we have several computers, there is nothing cooler than a typewriter and I love my manual typewriter because it is the real deal, my electric typewriter is cool but it is a modern concoction and they just do not know how to do it quite right so I am going to request that santa bring me a vintage electric typewriter, please.


  1. What a great work space! Looks like a lot of positive energy surrounds it. I need to designate a work area for myself. Right now it's the edge of my bed, my computer perched on the nightstand. I've always heard you shouldn't work in your bedroom but, with two kids, it's the quietest place in the house. Your picture looks much more inviting and very inspiring!

  2. thank you Kelbian, yes when my children were growing up, my bedroom was my sanctuary.

  3. looks like a good space! i haven't touched a typewriter in years, but i am always jealous of a beautiful looking vintage one.

  4. I got both of these about three years ago and for a while I used them everyday and now I use one or the other maybe twice a week. Using the manual really helps my fingers get stronger for my guitar lessons!
